Thursday, April 14, 2005

Web of Confusion (>_<)

Have you ever been caught in a situation where everything you touch, see and hear suddenly becomes incomprehensible. At first you calm yourself, positively thinking that if you focus hard enough, things might start to gradually become understandable. Suddenly, the collection of stapled papers feel strangely coarse between your fingers. After a few minutes you discover 2 things; one, that things are still confusing; two, that your palms can sweat. Still you collect yourself and concentrate harder, focusing every neuron to finally start working for its daily supply of nutrients. Finally, you reach a point where you suddenly feel light, a sort of feeling of relief, frustration suddenly drained from every inch of your body. You think you`ve reached the peak of enlightenment... but surprisingly only find out that you were only given a taste of false intellectual acknowledgement. Your brain collapse and your thrown in the bottomless spiral of pitch darkness, fainting and falling face first snoring (to your embarrassment later) until the end of class...

Yes.... there are only a few perils as terrible as....

Lectures in Japanese! (sigh.....)

Blogging off...


AL LEE said...

hahaha.....always....during the seminars in Jap...

~AnGeL~ said...

tell me about it... i only have one word to decribe the whole process.... BLURR!!!!!!!!!!!

Eddie said...

i thought i can understand with my countable number of Kanji..but guess what.. they wrote it in cursive...aduh.. apa dia tulis???

Friction said...

You can say that again guys!...
Today there was a 4 hour long meeting. My first research meeting. Damn! couldn`t understand a thing. Amazed I could stay awake all the way... hahahaha.... I`m learning well to ignore ignorance.

roachz said...

Not writing anymore, Ghost?

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