Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Kicked the sand castle

Well, I finally did it. Deleted my friendster account. Since making my move to facebook it didn't really make sense to have two different web apps spilling the beans on my life. Call me paranoid, but I try to keep my personal presence and information minimal on the web. Ever try putting your full name in google and seeing what pops out? You should, it'll give an idea how exposed you are on the web.

I've been using friendster since 2002 and so it makes the profile around 6 years old. I will definitely miss the extremely slow servers, incoming spam, clunky interface and constant down times that friendster adequately provided. Did I have any doubts before pressing the "cancel your account" button? Sure, a bit. Just hit by a pang of nostalgia by the people I've been able to stay connected with because of it. Which quickly dissipated upon realization that they are other much more effective alternatives to stay in touch, such as the good ol' phone call or the ever so convenient e-mail... and there is facebook. Haha...

Doesn't it bother you that having a personal profile on the web has somehow turned in to a required necessity? Oh well, here we go again.

Blogging off....


Nadd said...
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Friction said...

ooppss... hahaha...

Nadd said...

selamba delete comment aku wehhhhhh!!! karang aku post kat blog aku karang ha....

Friction said...

hahaha... jgn emo bro... jgn emo... relax...

Anonymous said...

maksudnya, tak de la main pangkah2 kat group KLM di friendsteR?

Friction said...

Haha... ayen, takleh kot... byk sgt aktiviti internet ni, tak siap keje kang.

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