Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Discovering the beauty of Podcast (part 1)...

Honestly, I never liked Apple. Must be the engineering bone that's grown in me. I find no logic in the disgusting conduct of purchasing an overpriced PC for the sake of user-friendly set-up times (and avoid hours of fun struggling with drivers installations?*...where's the fun in that?), seamless user interfaces and overall product design that's suppose to lift you on the altar of unparalleled 'coolness'. And for the same exact reasons, I despise the iPod infestation spreading throughout the world.

Hence pops up a saying "without ability to afford, comes hatred", which I claim as my own.... Shamelessly taking it from another saying I care not to mention (hint: has something to do with lack of knowledge and fear).

Due to some stroke of luck or a faulty internet campaign, I was graced with a free iPod Nano with the registration of my broad band internet service (being a customer in Japan is full of perks). Not that I wanted one, mind you. They just gave it to me, and I had a devious plan of selling it of to one of the second hand electronic shops for a bit of cashola.

I stopped the urge, and decided to give the iPod a try. I mean if half of the mobile music listening community is using it, it has to have some good experience bundled in. Unfortunately, after 2 weeks of music listening I was left unimpressed. The sound quality, though not ear bleeding does leave something to be desired and the iTunes/sync mechanism was a bit too clunky for my liking. Another one of those "I own coz' I'm cool" items.... or so I thought.

I was ready to call it quits, pack and sell it off to salvage what I can, when suddenly I stumbled upon something called Podcasts...... (to be continued - I promised it'll take less than a week, cross fingers >_< )

*asterisks are scattered in my blogs to identify points where I express 'sarcasm'

Blogging off....

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