Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Prelude to the second war: Ramblings of a crazy ghoul.....

And so it has come to pass. The once long and mighty battle leave little scars in the earth. A ghoul’s skull here. A sword there. A bow here. A tauren totem there. Once green, grass is beginning to grow again. The streams are clean of undead blood. But there is a familiar breeze blowing across the plains, a familiar rumble in the ice. The wind brings news, news which are unwelcome, but then again not unexpected. Far up north, there is talk of undead armies moving across the icy snowcaps. Westwards there are the not-soon-forgotten sounds of enormous drums. Eastwards there are sightings of woodland areas flush with activity. And from the forts of Men in the south, there are the tell-tale signs of smithies at work. There is no escape. The lands will once again be littered with the dead, their blood draining into the ground to nourish the trampled grass. The skies will crackle and burst with death and destruction. It is inevitable… all denizens of the land, natural or not will come together once again to proclaim their individual rights. There are even rumours of armies from forgotten lands eager to do battle with the best. A shaman from the lost temple has decreed, “Skies shall darken, land be stained with blood, forests burned to the ground, dust be made from rock. 2nd moon. 27th passing of the sun”

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